为庆贺我们本地农业合作社FIG (Food Integrity Group) 十岁生日,我们FIG成员这周六拜访了Mangrove Mountain的Eden Farm,在那里采摘,庆贺和野餐。FIG是我们本地的农业合作社,只在本我们中央海岸方圆百公里内采购有机种植的小型农场的农产品,不但提供会员们很便宜的有机蔬果和肉蛋类,同时也给本地小型农场多一个容易的销售渠道,而且避免了长途运输,减低二氧化碳排放,。– 可持续生存生活方式的一部分。

Our local food co-op has reached her 10th birthday, this Saturday FIG organised our members a farm visit and picnic on the farm to celebrate her anniversary. Eden Farm is one of FIG’s local produce suppliers. it is a certified organic farm, locates at Mangrove Mountain.

年轻帅气的男主人Eden和他金发碧眼漂亮的未婚妻很招人喜欢。The young handsome farm owner Eden and his sexy blonde fiancee are very lovely.

Eden Farm在上世纪40年代时是Eden祖母的嫁妆。现在120多英亩分了两家,互为邻居,这边在Eden手里,另一部分是Eden表哥的农场。能有年轻的一代愿意经营农场并且成功经营农场是这个国家,也应该是整个地球的未来希望。

The original Eden Farm was 120 acres, came to Eden’s family in the 40s of last century as the dowry of Eden’s grandmother. Now it has been divided into 2 farms, one of which we are visiting. It is 45 acres. The other neighbouring farm belong to Eden’s cousin. Young farmers are the future of the nation, and the future of the entire humans living on the earth.

没有限制,随意采摘,然后也随你意,愿给多少钱就给多少钱,不给都没人管,我看大家都是给20-30$左右。最后FIG主席清点时我和老公正好坐在她边上,共是$300 。呵呵,我估计我是今天的最大慈善家,给了50刀。不是我傻大方,实在是我家自己也种地,深知其中辛苦,很乐意给志同道合的圈里朋友们多一些鼓励。他家也大方,当我告诉Eden我要做德式泡菜时,他手一挥,“多多地拿,你不摘回头就都喂猪了。”- 猪吃的都是有机的!

There is no rules of how much you can pick and bring back home. Eden actually shouted to me when I told him I would do sauerkraut with the cabbages, “Bring as much as you like. Otherwise they are just going to go to the pigs!”.  At the end, every family was asked if they would like to donate whatever they would like to put in. I observed, roughly a family paid around $20-30. Hehe, I must have been the best philanthropist today, I dropped in $50. Not that I’m stupidly rich, rather, I do farming myself, even though ours is in much smaller scale, I still genuinely know how much hard work it involves. I’m very happy to support like-minded peers.


Picnic time. I was dehydrated and starving, the freshly picked watermelon was so tasty. Kids couldn’t wait to sing together “Happy Birthday to You!” so that they would get the cake!

回到家一鼓作气,六颗包菜全做得了德式泡菜sauerkraut. I took the day’s momentum, made all 6 heads of cabbage into sauerkraut tonight. What a long cheerful day!