冬末是橘科的收获季节。附近Somersby一位果园的主人去世,孩子家人决定卖掉老人遗留下来的60英亩无化学物(chemical-free)农场。由于新冠疫情,农场找不到季节性的临时工,如果雇人摘,再找卡车送到大超市, 商业化物流的收入还不及成本。不愿浪费掉满园的金黄色果子,家人找到我们永久农业俱乐部,开放两个周末,任会员随便摘。建议“拉着拖车trailer,带上wheelbarrow来装”。

家里橘科的收获已足够多,只是我们切身体会知道农活辛苦,心疼一年只有一季的果实浪费,这周六来救援,能救一点是一点,也 当个周末的活动,家里老板对我翻翻眼睛“你家里农活还没干够啊!”。Anyway……



A local deceased property is a chemical-free citrus farm. Selling to the big supermarkets would not even cover the cost of hiring farmhands to pick fruits and truck delivery. So the family decided to open their gate for a couple of weekends to some organisations to “pick your own” fruits. They said that at least “we are not going to see the whole crop getting wasted.”

Even though we have had plenty of citrus in our own little farm, if we may help to rescue just a small amount, it is still better than seeing them all rot under the trees in a few weeks. I am a farmer deep in my heart (more than the mere IT person of the surface). I know the toil. I would cry to see it is gone that way.

Our picking finished, before driving off, an air of melancholy surrounded me. The elder is gone and left his/her field of gold behind, full of life, wealth for toil, abundant and prosperious. Compare this to those billion-dollar worth of material richness after the death of some people, who leaves more legacy behind?