不知道当下流行的破洞仔裤(distressed jeans)是怎么生产出来的。我这条可是5年扎实农庄体力活的产品。犹豫了几天是不是把这条破了的工作裤扔掉。咨询了家里老板,John说,扔了!你要是在邦迪海滩那边住,倒是很性感,说不定还值不少钱,这里是农村,没用。18岁的侄子来访时穿了他精心买来的时装破洞仔裤,我举着这工作裤,对他翻翻眼睛,“你再酷也酷不过我!”

I have been hesitating whether I should throw the pair of worn-out working jeans. It looks so sexy. The holes are the result of 5 years solid farm work. Upon my consulting, Boss’s advice was, “Chuck it off, don’t hoard junks. You don’t live in Bondi!”. 18 years old nephew visited the farm, wearing his fashionable distressed jeans. I rolled my eyes to him, showing my pants, “Mate, you can never be cooler than me – mine is made out of years of labourious work, the real thing.”